Safe In Our World: A Week in Games Special

3 min readDec 2, 2022


The Mental Health Issue

This article is an extract from The Week in Games. Sign up for free here

There’s no doubt about it, these are troubling times for everybody. Without going into too much detail about events everyone’s all-too aware of, there’s a lot going on in the world right now and — following unprecedented lockdown and social distancing measures — over the last few years too. No matter which country you live in, times are tough for a lot of people.

In days like these it’s important to keep the mind occupied and engaged, and to remain connected with friends and family as much as possible. Video games are ideally positioned to provide this, and although anybody can get lost in a good book, film or TV show, games are unique in that they offer a level of interaction and social options not present in other forms of entertainment.

Similar to other forms of entertainment, they’re varied enough to appeal to any age or preference. There’s a genre to suit any taste, and with competitive or cooperative multiplayer options aplenty the old stereotype of gaming being a solitary endeavour is a thing of the past.

The continued rise of online gaming provides a great way to interact with both friends and strangers alike, and the phenomenal success of games such as Fortnite and Minecraft throughout the pandemic prove that players of all ages can keep in contact and socialise from afar regardless of world events.

Gaming has never had an easy ride in the mainstream press, or indeed with some of the general public, but there’s more evidence out there to suggest its benefits than otherwise. A National Literary Trust survey found that video games not only play a role in supporting young people’s mental wellbeing, but also encourage positive communication, empathy, creativity and increase confidence and a willingness to read. Even children’s charity Barnardo’s has been known to put their weight behind gaming and promote its benefits.

Of course, nobody’s suggesting that video games are the solution to the world’s problems, or that playing them all day (as with watching TV all day) doesn’t present problems of its own. But playing, sharing and discussing games is a great way of keeping in touch and feeling connected with a like-minded community.

One organisation that takes this seriously is Safe In Our World, a mental health charity set up to raise awareness for mental health within the video game industry. The charity was officially born in 2019 and has invested over £140,000 so far, which includes a whopping £50,000 investment into a series of free mental health training courses which you can sign up for now. I’d encourage everyone to check them out to see what they do.

Free Mental Health Training for the Games Industry in 2022/23

The Week in Games is a proud supporter of Safe in Our World, and you’ll be able to see the logo and link to their website at the bottom of every issue. It’s a small gesture, but ultimately it’s all about raising awareness and reaching out to those who may be struggling.

Video games and the community surrounding them can unite and help people in so many different ways. If you’re struggling, hopefully something in this issue can be of use to you. If just one sentence or one link featured here can help just one person, it’s more than worth it.

This article is an extract from The Week in Games. Sign up for free here

